Krabi Villa's Blog

Experience the peaceful island of Koh Klang when visiting Krabi, Thailand


Koh Klang(Klang岛)与甲米海滩的细腻白沙,热闹喧嚣的环境相比更加环境清幽宁静、人烟稀少,俨然一个与世无争的度假天堂。 岛上的居民大多为穆斯林,居民人口数大概5000左右,大多为第二次世界大战时的移民。在二战时期全岛总共只有八间民房,如今已演变成了一个民风淳朴,田园风光怡人的渔村,如今的岛上居民大多为渔民、农民;种植大米、椰子、香蕉。 Klang岛从甲米镇乘船大约为五分钟路程,从甲米机场出发大约15分钟车程。这座岛由四个村落5个街道组成,其中三个村落和街道坐落在岛上。 Koh Klang(Klang岛)眺岛游 由于道路的限制岛上是没有拥挤繁华的车流,只有三轮车、摩托车和自行车在道路间穿梭。由于此岛较小游客可选择三种交通工具中的任意一种并骑行观岛,此岛大约总长6公里,只需15-20分钟就可从岛上一头到达另一头,无需担心因为观看美景而迷失方向。   岛...

Posted May 21, 2015
Kickboxing Festival and Wai Kru Muay Thai ceremony to be held in Bangkok, March 17


说起泰国就不得不提泰拳,泰拳被喻为世界最厉害搏击术之一,来到今天,于泰国人心中已是一项集健体及艺术于一身的国宝级文化,看似暴力的抟击,其实蕴含了习练者的礼貌、纪律、勇气,以及最重要的尊师重道精神,每年3月17日至3月20日于泰国古都大城府(Ayutthaya)举办泰拳拜师节(Wai Kru Muay Thai Ceremony),是拳手们的年度拜师盛会。第十一届年度泰拳拜师节,分别来自30个不同国家的300多名泰拳拳击手齐聚大城府参加拜师节表示对老师的尊重。并同时向“泰拳之父”Nai Khanom Tom泰拳始祖致敬,据记载,当年缅甸军入侵大城府,一班习泰拳的拳师们奋力应战,却不敌而被掳获至缅甸首都仰光,包括拳师Nai Khanomtom,而在3月17日仰光庆祝佛诞当天,Nai Khanomtom被点中与缅甸军上台对战,比赛前,他头戴粗绳(Mongkhon)并跳谢师...

Posted May 20, 2015
Legal aspects of getting married in Krabi, Thailand


在泰国甲米安达曼海滩风和日丽的阳光下,在时光静慢的海滩边,在蔚蓝海水和柔软沙滩之间,与心爱的他(她)携手迈进婚礼的殿堂已成为很多人的梦想婚礼。然而,非泰国籍旅客在泰国举行婚礼前需注意以下相关律法。 在泰国甲米举行婚礼相关法律: 在泰国举行婚礼应当遵循泰国的法律,以下相关信息为您的婚礼过程稍作指南

详细填写《未婚声明公证申请表》一份,由于每个国家提交材料不同,所以请在来泰国前联系所在国大使馆了解所需具体材料及程序。提交材料一般包括出生证明、如之前有婚史的需提供离婚证明、如有配偶逝世的需提供死亡证明、提交在泰国的两名证人的身份证或护照的复印件各一份,并由证明人亲自书写并在使馆领事官员面前签名的担保证明书各一份。 申请人须在使馆时申请泰国签证。 签署的担保证明书和死亡证明或者离婚证明需翻译为泰语,翻译为泰语后需由在曼谷的泰国外事处司法部公证,公证需1-3个工作日。 新人需在街道民...

Posted May 16, 2015
TAT promoting sightseeing by boat to Krabi and other locations in Thailand


泰国旅游局提倡来泰游客体验乘船眺岛游,这次提倡推动的乘船眺岛游推荐路线包括甲米以及安达曼海域周边和周边度假区、曼谷、苏梅岛海域以及湄南河区域。 泰国国家旅游体育部长阁下布坎恩•瓦塔纳芙然库尔(Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul)女士指示泰国旅游局官方发展以上几个区域内游艇眺岛游、帆船眺岛游、豪华游艇眺岛游以及其它类型的船只眺岛游计划。  布坎恩•瓦塔纳芙然库尔(Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul)女士表示泰国旅游业有很大潜在发展空间,同时旅游业经济上还有潜在的提升空间,诸如在方便船舶停靠的曼谷河流区域和沿海度假村区域。 为了更好的改善乘船眺岛游计划,更新当地渔船并列入乘船眺岛游的交通工具单中。 泰国旅游局大力提倡游客通过船只访问各个岛屿或沿海度假村,游客可体验船只在岛屿交通中的便利,同时也可欣赏美丽的海上景色。 上一年来泰国南部...

Posted May 15, 2015
TAT reviews tourist development plans of Andaman coast

TAT reviews tourist development plans of Andaman coast

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) recently met in Phuket with representatives of the region’s tourist industry to review plans for boosting Andaman coast tourism. The TAT conferred with 150 local operators and tourism associations, to listen to issues affecting tourism in Krabi, Phuket and Phang Nga.All agreed that a master plan was needed to upgrade the South’s infrastructure and energy res...

Posted Feb 21, 2015
Celebrating Chinese New Year in Thailand

Celebrating Chinese New Year in Thailand

This year, the Chinese New Year is celebrated on February 19, according to the lunar calendar. It’s also known as the Spring Festival or the Lunar Year. A zodiac animal sign represents each new year making this the Year of the Sheep.Thai Chinese represent more than 14 percent of Thailand’s population, so the Chinese New Year is an important day for them. It is one of the country’s public holidays,...

Posted Feb 17, 2015
Choose a Krabi, Thailand wedding ceremony and package for your special day

Choose a Krabi, Thailand wedding ceremony and package for your special day

If you have made the decision to get married in Krabi, Thailand, you can choose from a plethora of wedding ceremonies and packages for your special day. Whether you choose a religious ceremony or a secular one, there are top-rated companies that will take care of all the details and create the wedding of your dreams.Types of Marriage Ceremonies in Krabi, ThailandNo matter what your religion, spiri...

Posted Feb 13, 2015
An introduction to Tonsai Bay in Krabi, Thailand

An introduction to Tonsai Bay in Krabi, Thailand

Tonsai Bay is a tropical gem in Krabi, Thailand’s Phi Phi Islands. With ferries at its busy pier bringing visitors to the area in the early morning, until the last ferry leaves in the afternoon, observers note that Tonsai has two different personalities. It’s a bustling hive of tourist activity from morning to early afternoon when most of the tourists depart. Afterwards, it becomes a q...

Posted Feb 5, 2015
Krabi bucks the national trend of falling visitor numbers

Krabi bucks the national trend of falling visitor numbers

Krabi province in Thailand continues to boom in 2015 despite the reported 20 – 25% decline in tourist arrivals countrywide, and the expected drop in the Russian market.The new year in Krabi started well with a 20% increase in traffic at the international airport (year on year) over the holiday season, and the main tourist hub of Ao Nang Beach gaining recognition as one of the world’s top five “Des...

Posted Jan 17, 2015
Diving and snorkeling in Krabi, Thailand provide a window for a variety of marine species

Diving and snorkeling in Krabi, Thailand provide a window for a variety of marine species

The warm, clear waters of the Andaman Sea in Krabi, Thailand are home to a plethora of marine life, as evidenced by the many marine species seen by divers and snorkelers in the area. The waters of Krabi is the perfect place for beginners and more advanced divers and snorkelers. Although there are coral reefs and great diving and snorkeling places throughout Krabi, some afford better marine viewin...

Posted Jan 9, 2015